
Xantus Géza

Xantus Géza

  • 1958 december 17-én született Csíkszeredában.
  • 1982 – 1986 között kezdte el művészeti tanulmányait, mestere Beczásy Antal.
  • 1995 – ben fejezte be teológiai tanulmányait, a budapesti Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Hittudományi Karán diplomázik.
  • 1999 – 2003 között római ösztöndíjas.
  • 2003-ban a római Accademia di Belle Arti festészeti karán diplomázik, mestere Prof. Nunzio Solendo.

Tagja a rotterdami Continental Art egyesületnek, és a Magyar Alkotóművészek Országos Egyesületének.

  • Artista ungherese, nato il 17. Dicembre 1958. a Csíkszereda (Miercurea Ciuc).
  • 1982-1986 inizio degli studi artistici, allievo del professore Antal Beczásy.
  • 1999-2003 borsa di studio a Roma, 2003 laureato all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma in Pittura, allievo del professore Nunzio Solendo.
  • 1995 finisce gli studi di teologia all’Universitá Cattolica di Pázmány Péter in Budapest. Membro del Centro d’Arte Continentale in Rotterdam, e dell’Associazione degli Artisti Ungheresi.

Ha partecipato a numerose mostre internazionali a Toronto, Hong Kong, Maastricht, Barcellona, Helsinki, Torino, Parigi, Budapest, Roma, Vienna ecc.

  • He started his art studies in 1982-1986 with Antal Beczásy as his master.
  • In 1999-2003 he had a scholarship in Rome and received his degree in painting at the Accademia di Belle Arte of Rome where his master was Prof. Nunzio Solendo.
  • He finished his theological studies in 1995 at the “Pázmány Péter“ Catholic University of Budapest.

He is a member of the Continental Art Association of Rotterdam and the National Association of Hungarian Artists.

He has had quite a number of international exhibitions in Toronto, Hong Kong, Maastricht, Barcelona, Helsinki, Torino, Paris, Budapest, Rome, Vienna etc.